Internal Computer Hardware


                                Computer hardware is the physical part of a computer,as distinguished from the computer software that executes or runs on the hardware.The hardware of the computer is infrequently changed,while software and data are modified frequently.The term soft refers to readily created,modified,or erased.These are unlike the physical components within the computer which is hard.when you think of the term computer hardware you probably think of  the gut inside your personal computer at home or the one in your classroom.However,computer hardware does not specifically refer to personal computers ,instead,It is all types of computer system,Computer hardware in embedded system is automobiles,microwave,CD player,DVD player and more devices .IN  2003 ,only0.2% of all microprocessor sold were for personal many other things in your house or your classroom use computer hadware?

  • Motherboard 
  • Central processing unit
  • Random Access Memory
  • Firmware
  • Power supply
  • Removeable Media Device
  • CD
  • DVD
  • Blu-ray
  • Floppy Disk
  • Internet storage
  • Hard disk Driver
  • Solid-state drive
  • Disk Array Controller

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