Starting of MS-WORD 2007--Creating new Document

You can enter into word in the following methods.

  1. Double click on Microsoft word short cut on desktop.
  2. Click on start button click all programs/Microsoft Office/ Microsoft Office word 2007.
  3. Click on start button-Click on Run option. A Run dialogue box appears.Write the Win word next the open in Run Dialogue box.Click on OK button.
  4. Press Ctrl + Alt + Shit + W by Keyboard.

Create a new document

When you enter into the Word by default it creates a new blank document which is a default template.You can create a new blank document without the need to start word again.
The following steps given here.
  1. Press Ctrl + N by keyboard.
  2. Click on office button and click on new option.
The new document dialogue box opens. Notice that the blank document icons select under Blank and recent templates is selected by default.Click the create button. Anew blank document opens.

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