CPU-Centerat procession Unit

CPU is the abbreviation of central procession unit .Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor ,but more commonly called processor ,the CPU is brain of the computer where most calculations take place.In terms of computing power,the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.

On large machines ,the CPU requires one or more printed circuit boards.On personal computers and  small workstations,the CPU is housed in a single chip called microprocessor .Since the 1947s microprocessor class of CPU  has almost completely overtaken all other CPU implementations.

The CPU itself is an Internet component of the computer.Modem  CPU are small and square and contain multiple metallic connectors or pins on the underside.The CPU is the inserted directly into a CPU socket,pin on the motherboard.

Modern CPU also have an attached heat sink and small fan that go directly on top of the CPU to help dissipate heat.Two typical components of a CPU are the following:

  1. The arithmetic logic unit  ,Which performs athletic and logic operations.
  2. The control unit (CU),Which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them,calling on the AlU when necessary .
  • Writer by :Ahmed 

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