The HIstory of computers- Computer history timeline-worldwide computer salution and information

"Who Invented the Computer?" Is not a question with a simple answer. The real answer is that is that many inventors contributed to the history of computer  and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention.

This series covers many of the major milestones in computer history (but not all of them) with a concentration on the history of personal home computers.

Computer history Year/Enters             Computer history inventors   
  1. 1936                                         Konrad Zuse-Z1 computer
  2. 1942                                         John Atanasoff & clifford Berry - ABC computer  
  3. 1944                                         Howard Aiken & Grace hopper - Harvard mark 1 computer 
  4. 1946                                         John Presper Eckert & John W.Mauchly -Eniac 1 computer
  5. 1948                                         Frederic Williams & Tom kilburn-Manchester baby computer
  6. 1947/48                                    John Bardeen,Walter Britain &William Shockley-The Transister                                                           READ MORE 

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